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My life consists of one full-time job after another and I wouldn't have it any other way. I believe that, sometimes, bad things happen for no reason at all. But the strength within gets us through difficult times.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Birth of a Football Mommy

Once upon a time, there was a woman who wanted to have a baby boy. Why? All for the love of football. When she was 5 months pregnant, she had an ultrasound and discovered that her dream was coming true - she was having a boy!

On September 8th, 2004, she went into labor, which was perfect because she really wanted to have her baby on September 9th - during the NFL season opener with two of the greatest quarterbacks playing while he was coming into the world. The Colts were playing the Patriots, Manning vs. Brady. Mommy made sure my birthing room had a tv that would play the game. As she was transitioning into stage 3 of labor in the middle of the game, and after 24 hours of very minimal progress, the game was motivating this little man to come into the world! Unfortunately, he didn't quite make it during the game, he came into the world just like he does everything else... He had to do it his way and when he wanted. If he could talk at birth, he would've told the doctors how to deliver him.

6 years after awaiting his delivery, Shane Allen has finally been enrolled in pee-wee football, with mom shedding tears of joy all along the way.

When we picked up the equipment, Shane insisted on trying everything on before we even left the football office. I tried to act like it wasn't necessary, but inside, I was beaming with Pride. My boy couldn't WAIT to put that gear on.

Shane had the privilege of running with the football during the last run of practice. Yes, it is a privilege that the coach trusts the boys to run with the ball. It helps them learn not to drop it. I had to wipe a tear as he ran all the way without bobbling the ball once!

That first moment that Shane hit that big black bag, I wanted to jump up and cheer. But I restrained because Shane asked me not to cheer for him all the time (I was cheering for him a lot, apparantly it isn't "cool"). The first day that the boys had to wear their full pads, Shane got his gear right on, ran out onto the practice field, and before practice even started, he started playing with the other boys. His shyness has completely disappeared as he has found himself in this game. I couldn't even sit during this time, because he was out there throwing, tackling, and just having fun before practice. I was so thrilled that he found this sport to be fun!

Then came time for his first hit... I was so nervous. He has always loved tackling and tumbling around with his friend, Jack, and Bailey. He is really tough, although he is so skinny, he is surpisingly strong!

The goal was to push his opponent across the orange cone line. And in a matter of seconds, he won his match! He strutted away like a little tough guy that had just taken down King Kong. I have never had more fun at a practice!

Shane is counting down to get to watch live, professional football with me and it is finally that time that I have dreamed of since I knew that was having a boy. No matter how good he is at playing, there is nothing more thrilling to me than the fact that he is beginning to love the game just as much as his mommy does.

Isn't that the most beautiful sight you have ever seen???