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My life consists of one full-time job after another and I wouldn't have it any other way. I believe that, sometimes, bad things happen for no reason at all. But the strength within gets us through difficult times.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What My Dad Has Taught Me.

I have to say first and foremost, that my sister wrote the most beautiful blog about these wonderful memories of our Dad. It brought back such a rush of my own memories and all day I have been thinking about the wonderful things my Father has taught me. So I am including the most memorable lessons my Dad has every taught me.

What I have learned from my Dad

1. The importance of budgeting and being smart with your finances. – At 19, when I decided I wanted to move into my first apartment my dad taught me the greatest lesson I have ever learned and still apply to this day. He told me that before I could move out, I had to create a budget and show him how I was going to pay my bills with the income I had. He made sure I thought of all the little things I would have to pay for. To this day, I still budget the same way and I have managed to save money, manage my debt appropriately, and live within my means. It is because of him that I have been able to provide for my family even through the most difficult financial times. He taught me to fish so I would never have to ask him for food.

2. Have strong work ethics and be dependable. – I do not ever remember a time when my dad was not working (except on vacations). I do not remember him being home sick, or playing “hooky” from work. He worked every day so our family could have the comforts of home, food, and clothes. We may not have had luxuries when I was a kid, but we never wanted to for anything because he went to work every day. I learned from watching him how important it is that I work hard and be dependable. As a result, I have been successful in my career because he taught me what it means to be a good, dependable employee.

3. Serve others in your family and in your community – My dad has always been a servant within the Church and within the community. He was always working on a service project within his callings. He has always been supportive to the elderly. My dad was usually right along side me during Saturdays when we would have a youth service project, never complaining, always making it a bit fun. He has shown me the importance of giving back to the community so much more than you get back because at one point, we all need someone so we need to be there when others are in need.

4. Have a sense of humor – My Dad is so funny. He is always telling jokes and making everyone laugh. Even in those moments when things are tense or maybe a bit uncomfortable, he usually makes things light by making things seem a bit humorous. He taught me to find humor and laugh in life. Humor can be a great coping mechanism.

5. Parenting is not just about teaching, it is also about learning – As a parent now it is so nice to be able to talk with my dad about my struggles as a parent. He seems to point out a lot now how much we learn from our children. It makes me realize that all those years he was trying to teach me, he was learning himself. I have watched my dad evolve over the years with each child. I try to remember that I am learning just as much as they are thanks to the words of wisdom from my dad.

6. Learn from your mistakes and be forgiving of others – My dad used to sit us down individually when we would make a mistake, to try to provide time for us to talk with him and show us how to learn from those mistakes. I made my fair share and he would always take the time to sit and talk with me about them. He would try to help me learn what I had done wrong and what I can do differently next time. He was forgiving and would move on from the mistakes without speaking of them again. He taught me once that if you continue to bring up mistakes, it was like ripping the bandage from a healing wound. You would have to start the healing process all over again. It is better to forgive and move on.

7. Family is the most important commitment – Family comes first. My dad was a busy man. He worked more hours in a week than I could count growing up. He held callings in the church. There were some days I did not see him. However, I knew without a doubt that my dad would be there every Monday night for Family home evening, every morning for family prayer and scriptures, and every Thursday night to watch our family sitcoms and eat popcorn (which I picked up from him as well.). Life is busy, but there are some commitments you make to your family that you must keep. My dad always kept those commitments.

8. Being a good parent means you get to be a fun grandparent! – It gives me hope when I see my dad playing with his grandchildren. All the years of hard parenting does pay off and one day, I will get to be a grandparent too! What I learn from him – have fun with them. Leave the parenting to their parents.

9. Raise your children with rules and boundaries, children need parents, not friends. – My dad set rules. He had no gray area. I was very clear with what my rules were and when I broke the rules, he let me know. What I learned from this is that children respect those rules and boundaries. Of course, growing up I thought the rules were so mean! Now that I have children of my own, I find that the rules give them more freedom because they understand what is expected of them. I always knew what was expected of me. In addition, my life has turned out incredible because I knew my boundaries. I have strong judgment skills and I am confident in my decision-making skills now thanks to the guidance I received growing up. (I call it guidance now, as opposed to “rules.” Because my dad created those rules, I am the person I am today. I see others who were not as fortunate and I see them struggle in their adult lives. My dad gave me a great gift growing up by being a parent to me – not my friend.

10. Unconditional love is the most precious gift you can give your children. – All those years that my dad would spend time talking with my mistakes prepared me for some of the most difficult conversations I had to have with my parents as an adult. But, every time I had something I had to talk with my parents about, I somehow knew everything would be okay. I know I have not followed the exact path my parents hoped I would follow, but they have loved me still. They have supported me every difficult step of the way. My dad has listened, offered advice, and been a true support and friend to me in my adult life.

Daddy, thank you for all you have taught me. I wouldn't be capable of anything I am if not for your guidance and love. I hope to continue your legacy through my own son.

I love you!
Your forever Princess
Dawn Marie