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My life consists of one full-time job after another and I wouldn't have it any other way. I believe that, sometimes, bad things happen for no reason at all. But the strength within gets us through difficult times.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Triathalon Experience - It was FUN!

I have to thank my sister, Shawna, who introduced me to these little “text to talk” things on youtube through something she posted on facebook. I wanted to share my triathalon experience and after watching these videos on youtube, I thought it was the most appropriate way! And I am going to use Shawna’s name in this conversation since she was my inspiration for this blog! Love you! (pictures follow)

Me: I did a triathalon sprint this weekend. It was so fun!
Shawna: What is a triathalon sprint?
Me: Well, you compete with hundreds of others in a swim event, bike event, and run event.
Shawna: Hundreds of people all swim, bike, and run at the same time? That sounds crowded. But you say it is fun?
Me: Yes, it is very crowded, but they split you into waves so groups start at different times so it isn’t so crowded. In my case, I had to start in the last wave because I will be 35 at the end of the year, I am considered to be in the 35+ age group, otherwise known as the “old lady” group. And yes, it is fun!
Shawna: How far do you have to swim, bike, and run?
Me: You have to swim 600 meters, bike 6 miles, and run 2 miles.
Shawna: Where do you swim?
Me: This was in Donnor Lake
Shawna: A Lake? Isn’t it cold?
Me: The water was about 64 degrees but I wear a wet suit so it was not as cold as it was for those not wearing a wetsuit. And at the start, you try to avoid others splashing and kicking you while you make your way out into the lake. Then you spend the next 10 – 15 minutes trying to find your way around the course. I got lost a few times and was swimming the wrong direction, but luckily I noticed before I strayed too far from the course. It felt like I was swimming for miles and miles, felt like I was going to drown a few times, but I made it to the end of the swim course, got out and headed to change into my bike gear.
Shawna: So, you get into a 64 degree lake with hundreds of people to swim 600 meters during which you feel like it will never end, nearly drown, and it is fun?
Me: yes, it is fun. It is even more challenging when you get out of the water, peel off the wetsuit and try to get shoes and gear on for the 6 mile bike ride as you are gasping for breath from the near drowning experience. The bike ride is 3 miles practically straight up and 3 miles right back down. It took me 30-35 minutes or so to get up and then 5 minutes to get back down. The ride down is so fast that I was nearly clutching the center bar with my thighs and praying I did not fly over the cliff at 40 mph with only a helmet to protect me.
Shawna: Practically flying over a cliff…..And this is fun? What happens after the bike race? Do you get to rest then?
Me: No, not really. You get a few minutes to catch your breath while changing gear, but that isn’t much time. Right after the bike ride, you have to change your shoes and gear again, then start running 2 miles. 1 mile on an uphill and 1 mile on a downhill. That part isn’t so bad. It is a lovely run through Donner on a paved road, but there are cars on the road so you have to watch out for them so you don’t get hit. But that run back was an incredible feeling, knowing I had completed my goal just by finishing and not stopping my momentum at any point. And once I crossed that finish line, it was such a rush!
Shawna: So is it such a rush because you won?
Me: No, because I finished. But they did give me a free shirt for participating! I did not even come close to winning. I finished 150 out of 200 in 1 hour and 21 minutes. The first place person in my age group finished in 1 hour and 1 minute. They do not give prize money anyway, it was a small trophy. In fact you have to pay $105 to participate in the race.
Shawna: You must have had to train a lot for this? How long have you been training?
Me: Since November, 2010 about 90 minutes per day.
Shawna: So, let me get this straight…. You spent the last 9 months every day for 90 minutes killing yourself so you can pay $105 to participate in a race in which there are so many people you can’t all run together, you swim in freezing water in a tight suit where you nearly drown, spend 30 minutes riding straight uphill just so you can nearly kill yourself riding downhill, and then struggle to run just so you can get a free shirt at the end since you have no chance of actually winning anything? …And this is fun?
Me: Yes, it was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it was worth every moment and I can’t wait to do it again next year. I am already planning my training schedule!:)

6:30am - walking the course, getting ready

The transition area

Heading to the starting line

7:15am - Ready, Set, Go!

Swim Finish

Transition to bike

Bike Finish

Transition to Run

Run Start

Finished! (With my free t-shirt)

My #1 Supporter. :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer vs. The Working Mom

When Summer comes, so does Chaos...

For the kids, summer is a time of carefree fun. For stay-at-home moms, the challenge (from my perspective in reading all the facebook pages and blogs) is to keep the kids active and busy in the midst of chaos. Although all of the activities look like a blast, I know that for these moms, it is hard work. Day-in and Day-out, organizing the fun activities that your children are sure to enjoy so much they fly on the high of their excitement only to crash later from exhaustion. And mom gets to go along for the ride only to wake up the next day and start the cycle all over again in addition to keeping up with all of the household responsibilities that never seem to stop.

As a working mom, I read about all of these summer activities. Every time I read about them, I feel so guilty that I am not one of those moms. I don't get the thrill of enjoying those fun times with my children during the summer months because most working moms don't get summer vacation. I feel it is time that I am missing with my children. They are still enjoying those fun activities....only without me. It isn't easy knowing that my schedule remains the same. I have the same hours in the week and I have the same responsibilities. I still try to maintain some kind of schedule amongst the summer chaos, but my children continually ask "What are we doing tonight/this weekend?" as if I am some cruise activities director with a list of activities and events to fill every minute of the hours I spend with them. And of course, I always give in to the pressure of keeping up with the summer chaos around me so my children feel they are getting the full summer experience. So, I try to continue to manage my responsibilities with my job and within my household with the little time I have in addition to making sure there are fun weekend events planned. As my "fun" weekends come to an end, I have used every minute of every bit of the 50 hours that I have over the weekend not only to get laundry, grocery shopping, bills and budget, workouts, house cleaning, and yardwork completed. I also have used it to take the kids to the pool, or to outdoor events in the community, have slumber parties, take the kids to the mall, go to the lake for swimming or jetskiiing or camping. Not too mention that our football/cheerleading starts mid-July and that starts to take over my Saturdays so my only "work" day at home is removed.

For me, as a working mom, summer is exhausting. Although there are times when it is so much fun, there is never a day that I get to choose to "rest" or catch up on my work around the house. Day in and Day out, I have to keep up with all of it or before I know it, I am behind. Granted, some days I have to prioritize and choose what will get pushed aside for tomorrow, but efficiency is my best friend. I have had to learn how to use every minute of every day from the time I wake up at 5:30am until I go to bed at 11:00pm. I have learned how to do more with less time. It may seem crazy, but I have learned to do certain tasks in certain orders just so I can get more done in the short time I have.

I also have to admit that I am seduced by the warmth of the sun, memories of my own summers spent on the beach, and fun with my siblings and friends. I want my children to have those memories as well. I want to have those memories and experience the same fun that I am reading about on a daily basis. I could choose not to do any of it. I could choose to be responsible all the time and not try to juggle the fun activities, but what kind of life would that be?
Some people tell me that I will burn myself out. I just say that, I have to use the energy I have while I am young. Honestly, I find that the more I do, the more energy I have. I heard someone say once, “I will rest when I am dead.” Well, that’s my plan. For now, I am going to use and enjoy every minute of every day that I possibly can.

I will rest – someday.