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My life consists of one full-time job after another and I wouldn't have it any other way. I believe that, sometimes, bad things happen for no reason at all. But the strength within gets us through difficult times.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Are you sure this is part of Motherhood???

Over the past month, Shane has caught every "bug" out there. He has never had this problem.

This means, that I have experienced some parts of motherhood that I didn't even know existed and I am now wondering where I missed that in the manual of motherhood?

Oh wait..... There isn't one!

First Shane ran a very high fever. He felt hot - not just warm, but HOT. I don't really every take temperatures because it isn't fun and usually, I can tell just by feeling them that they have one, but this fever concerned me because I had never felt anyone that hot before. Since he is 7 years old, I asked him which method he preferred. Suprisingly, he went for the rear-end method, but I'm sure he had no idea what he was in for. This was very scary for me as I really try to stay away from that end of any boy. But we braved it together and I thought "This is what I pay the doctor and my insurance company for." I will be investing in an ear thermometer.

The following week I was awakened at 2:45am one peaceful sleep to my young child informing me he had an "accident" which from age of 2 - 4, that meant he wet the bed. Not this time. He had an ACCIDENT (please refer to how I try stay away from a certain end of any boy). So, I found myself moments later hosing my child off with the highest power of the shower head I could at 3:00am. He and I both looked at each other both very unhappy about the situation we were finding ourselves in. For the next few hours he continued to wake me up every time he had to run to the bathroom, so I opted to sleep on the couch as to not wake my snoozing hubby. Needless to say, that went on most of the following day and I wondered what I had done to deserve such punishment! I wanted to burn all of his underwear rather than clean it, but I went for the other option - threw it all in the garbage and bought new ones.

Today - week 3 of sickness, greeted me with a call from the school nurse that he had come in from lunch feeling sick and as soon as he reached the nurse's office, the trash can became his best friend. What's really awesome is that today was his first official "hot lunch" day. I don't think we will be doing that again any time soon. And I will not be buying any of those pink goldfish crackers any time soon since that was what he spent the afternoon throwing up. As we left the nurses office she informed me that "by the way, he missed the trashcan the first time and got it all over his shorts." Really??

So, I am terrified of what is next to come. I have scheduled him for his flu shot, this last illness was highly motivating.

If anyone has a motherhood manual - please share!!